Percy Jackson Goes To The Beach

It was a bright and beautiful sunrise. I, Percy Jackson, was walking down the coast lost in my thoughts. The sea was a brilliant blue, as was the sky, and the sand was so sandy. On the horizon, I noticed a boat heading rapidly towards the shore. It was a yacht. It was coming nearer and nearer. I rushed out of the way. It crashed. The boat seemed to be empty. I decided to go in and take a look. The yacht was completely black, with red tinted window. The side said, in big, bold white letters;
''"hes in sinome dulcissime ma gister er nálægt maître douce."''
I went in. The interior was bare, except for a small altar. I approached the altar. I heard a faint humming. I saw a movement in the corner of my eyes. I turned around. I screamed. There was a man. He didn't have eye sockets. Instead he had a hook attached to a line coming out of each of his eye sockets. He also had a hook coming out of each nostril, each ear, and all of his teeth were replaced with hooks. I screamed louder. But nobody could hear me. He grabbed my shoulders and started screaming in my ear in a weird language.
I cried. I cried so hard I bled flaming tears. He shook me more. He was hideous. Suddenly a Grover comes in. I yell at him to help. He doesn't. I then notice. He's been hooked. He's bleeding and crying for mercy. We scream together. The mysterious fisherman is laughing manically. He laughs so hard it shakes the boat. He puts me down. He walks over to Grover. He picks him up. Grover is pleading now, begging the mysterious fisherman to spare him. He doesn't. The myst. fisherman grabs Grover and tears out his intestines. Grover falls to the floor, squirming and twitching and crying. He dies a slow and painful death. Annabeth is coming. I hear her shouting my name. I want to tell her not to come, that its too dangerous. But I can't. My voice is frozen. Annabeth comes in. I see the fear in her eyes after she assesses the situation. She tries to leave, but the rod has been cast. It grabs Annabeth and drags her towards the myst. fisherman. He picks her up. She's pleading. But I know he won't listen. He grabs Grover's intestines, and fastens a noose out of them. He wraps it around her neck and hangs her off the side of the boat. I hear the sickening crack of bones breaking. I cry. The myst. stares at me. He walks over. I whimper. He reaches into his trench coat. He pulls out a screwdriver. He unscrews my eyeballs. He replaces them with hooks. He does the same to my ears, nose, and mouth. He seems to enjoy my screams. He's finally done. I can't see or hear or smell anymore. I reach up to feel my hooks. I want to cry but I can't anymore. I feel a sharp pain in my chest. Wet stuff is oozing out. I think its blood. I feel something. Its the myst. He's touching my foot. I ask why he's touching my foot. He replied that he was branding me with his mark before he sacrificed me. I ask to whom am I being sacrificed? He says the Sweet Master. Who is the Sweet Master I question. He replied that I was about to find out. When he was done, he picked me up and carried me to the altar. He reaches into his trench coat again. He pulls out an empty hourglass. He sings the Sweet Song while spinning it. Myst.'s voice lulls me to sleep.
I've been hooked.